Your 20s are an exciting, often chaotic time where you begin to shape your future. This decade is full of self-discovery, career development, and defining relationships, all while juggling friendships and learning how to maintain them. In 2024, the digital world plays a massive role in how we interact and build these relationships, from romantic…
Dating in your 20s
At 23, dating feels like it’s both the easiest and most complicated thing in the world. It’s that weird in-between where some of your friends are getting engaged, others are swiping left and right on apps, and a few are so focused on careers that they aren’t thinking about dating at all. For me, it’s…
How to Get Over Someone You Never Dated: Moving on From an “Almost”
Getting over someone you never dated can feel uniquely painful. You may not have a formal relationship to grieve, but the connection you felt was real, and the emotions tied to that “almost” are just as valid. Whether it was a close friend you had feelings for, someone who led you on, or a crush…
My Almost Maybe
I’ve spoken to many boys in my life, but you’ll always be my favorite. The one who knew me like the back of your hand. You always had the perfect thing to say, and you always knew when to say it. But that’s what made it worse, because along with that, you knew exactly how…